Frequently Asked Questions

Click on the question to see answers.

1Is this ISPON?
This is Marana Global Services Ltd. We are the Accredited Training Provider for ISPON. You can make all your ISPON enquiries at Marana Global and we will be glad to help you out.
2What are the training options available?
Here at Marana Global, we have three different options that you can use for your training. These include ONLINE TRAINING, PHYSICAL CLASSES and DISTANCE LEARNING WITH VIRTUAL CLASSROOM (DL-VC).
3Which certificate will I get after my training at Marana Global?
After your training with us, you will be certified by Institute of Safety Professionals of Nigeria. However, we have some specialized courses that are designed exclusively by Marana Global and our other partners, those courses are certified by our company.
4Will my ISPON certificate carry Marana Logo?
No. We do not modify ISPON certificates in any way. The certificate is designed by ISPON and it carries their logo.
5What are the requirements to attend HSE courses?
The requirements will depend on the particular course you want. For example, you need HND or BSc degree for you to attend the General HSE course. You also need General HSE certificate for you to attend HSE Level 3.
6Can I do ISPON HSE Level 3 directly with my NEBOSH certificate?
No. ISPON requires you to do the General HSE course first before you can do the HSE Level 3.
7I am a graduate. Which HSE course can I start with?
As a graduate with HND or BSc, you need to start with the General HSE training first. This will enable you do other courses like HSE Level 3.
8What is the difference between HSE Level 1, Level 2 and General HSE?
HSE Level 1 and HSE Level 2 are designed for non-graduates and undergraduates. General HSE course is designed for those who have degrees like HND or BSc.
9I have OND degree. Can I do the General HSE?
No. The minimum academic qualification accepted for General HSE course is HND degree.
10Why is the General HSE course so important?
It is so important because it is a mandatory requirement for your membership registration with the Institute of Safety Professionals of Nigeria. This means that without the General HSE, you cannot register as a safety professional in Nigeria.
11After my training, how long will it take before I get my certificate?
Your certificate should be ready for collection within 30 days. This time is needed for us to process your assessment and certificate.
12What is Distance Learning with Virtual Classroom (DL-VC)?

The idea of DL-VC is to combine both online and offline resources for the training of participants. It is a training innovation by Marana Global to cater for those who are not able to attend physical classes due to busy schedule or inability to access a training centre near them.

Participants on DL-VC are able to combine the benefits of Distance Learning with the opportunity of live training sessions using our Virtual Classroom. This is a highly recommended option suitable for anyone.

13If I take my class on DL-VC, how will I get my certificate?

All participants on our DL-VC (Distance Learning with Virtual Classroom) are entitled to free certificate delivery at the address they registered with us anywhere in Nigeria.

Note that participants on discount training are not eligible for free certificate shipment. Please contact us for courses that are eligible for free certificate shipment.
14How will I do my training using DL-VC?
When training on the our DL-VC, you will have access to the training guides in pdf and video explanations which you will use for your studies. During the training, if you have questions or need clarifications on any topic, you will schedule a discussion class with our Instructor who will provide clarifications in our virtual classroom. This can be done as many time as required until you complete your training.
15Why should I choose DL-VC?

DL-VC option is suitable and most recommended for anyone who desires to be trained by Marana Global. While staying at your location, you are able to have full control of your training and a real time experience with our Instructors. In actual sense, you will not feel the difference of not going to class. Instead, you will have more opportunity to save travelling cost and so on.

You may wan to consider this option for the following reasons.

1. If you cannot access approved training center near you.

2. If you have already used your annual leave, and securing days off may be difficult.

3. If you have obtained other safety certifications to provide equivalent skill level with the chosen course.

4. If you are a professional member of other recognized safety bodies and you are applying for ISPON membership.

You may wan to consider this option for the following reasons.

1. If you cannot access approved training center near you.

2. If you have already used your annual leave, and securing days off may be difficult.

3. If you have obtained other safety certifications to provide equivalent skill level with the chosen course.

4. If you are a professional member of other recognized safety bodies and you are applying for ISPON membership.

16How long will my training take on DL-VC?
Training on our DL-VC is self-paced. Please see our training schedules for recommended completion time.
17What is the assessment process?
During your training with us, you will have two assessments. The first is continuous assessment which is practical based, and the second is your certificate examination. The continuous assessment will be submitted by email while the certificate examination will be done on our website.
18What if I fail the examination or assessment?
The pass mark for our courses is 60 marks. This includes minimum of 30 marks out of 50 from continuous assessment and minimum of 30 marks out of 50 from the examination. In case you are not able to pass the assessment or the examination, you will have the opportunity to do a revision and write the exam or assessment again. A token is charged for repeating the assessment or examination. Please see our terms and conditions for details.
19What if I score 45 marks in examination and 20 marks in continuous assessment?
You will need to repeat the continuous assessment because the minimum pass mark is 30 marks. The assessment examination score cannot be used to make up for the continuous assessment because the grading is done independently.
20Will I become a member of ISPON after my training?
No. The training only qualifies you for the membership application. Note that the membership is a different process from the training.
21Do you have more questions?

Contact us on 08110141960 or email to for immediate response.

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