Effective from August 1, 2020, all training participants are now required to take the Self Video Assessment (SVA) in addition to existing assessment process. The SVA is a five (5) minute video made by the participant while they explain and share their ideas with us on any question assigned.
This is a quality improvement to maintain integrity of our courses and keep the confidence of our industry partners. Please see below tips on how to do your SVA.
Tips on Recording Your SVA
- You may write down your points to enable you remember salient points.
- Use a quite place with adequate lighting and nice background.
- Position your camera (smart phone, tablet, webcam or any other device) to have a good coverage.
- Start your recording as you share your ideas on the topic. Begin with an introduction as follows: “Hello Everyone! My name is Chinedu Ibrahim Kayode from Lagos State, Nigeria. I am a training delegate at Marana Global. In this video, I will share my ideas with you on the need for risk assessment in organizations.”
- Explain the topic. Minimum of 3 minutes and maximum of 5 minutes. Once done, end your video with “Thank you for watching and stay safe always!”
- Save your video with your name using this format: surname_SVA_topic. Example: Chinedu_SVA_Risk Assessment.
- Click to watch sample SVA.
Submitting Your SVA
Your SVA will be shared with us by attaching the video link from your Google Drive and send to assessment@maranaglobal.com.
For information on how to use Google Drive, manage your files and attach your SVA, click here.
Using the SVA to Submit Your Practical Assessment
It is also possible to submit your practical assessment using the SVA. In this case, follow the tips above and provide very detailed explanation of your answers. There will be no time limit as you would normally be expected to exhaustively discuss the questions assigned.
You may contact your Instructor for further information and assistance.